Every Monday 3pm ET/12pm PT
We invite you to gather in CITA’s virual chapel to listen to God’s word and discuss the scriptures from a theatrical perspective with other CITA members around the globe. We will be reading from The Story, published by Zondervan, which combines scripture and short narratives to tell God’s story from Genesis to Revelation.
Communal reading of scripture is an ancient Biblical tradition, the Israelites practiced it and Paul encouraged it. Through hearing God’s word, we remember who God is, who we are, and who we are called to be. As theatrical artists, we know the power of communal experiences; and just as an actor feeds off the energy of an audience, we feed off the energy of listening to God’s word.
You are not required to purchase The Story, though you are welcome to, we simply ask you to listen.
Once you register you will be provided a link and access code to CITA’s virtual chapel. You only need to register once, as the link and code will be good throughout the duration of the 2020 reading series.
Registration is complimentary to all CITA members.