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Click on Regent University to view the Livestream

or scroll down for workshop registration


Margaret Ann Gates Morrow



Post-Concert Q&A w/ Elizabeth A. Davis
12/11/2020, 9pm EST.
Register in advance for this meeting:

Post-Concert Q&A w/ Chad Kimball
12/12/2020, 8pm EST.
Register in advance for this meeting:


Acting Workshop:
Shakespeare’s Verse
w/ Adam Hester

12/11/2020, 7:00pm EST.
Register in advance:

Theatre Workshop:
Swashbuckling 101, or How to
Stage a Pirate Cutlass Fight
w/ Dr. Michael Hill-Kirkland

12/12/2020, 3:00pm EST.
Register in advance:

Vocal Workshop:
The Art of the Belt
w/ Dr. Maryann Kyle

12/12/2020, 5:00pm EST.
Register in advance: